Calvert Learning 2023-2024 Release

Calvert Learning 2023-2024 Release



  • Refresh Math for Grades 1-5

Summer 2023-24

Audience: Administrators and teachers

Impact: Significant as it hits a core subject across all key elementary grades

What is the enhancement?

For the 2023-24 school year, we have reimagined grades 1-5 math in Calvert Learning. Following a kindergarten refresh last year, this next stage of critial updates ensures that students encounter up-to-date, engaging instruction and activities as they build a strong foundation that enables future success. 

How does it work?

Grades 1-5 math curriculum is being completely rescoped, resequenced, and rewritten. This includes new projects, rubrics, activities, and assessments as well as updated third-party basal and enrichment content.

Explore further details in the Internal Feature Focus.

Access updated Scope and Sequence documents.

Access updated Lesson Manuals.

Access the updated Print Resources for Parents document.

Internal Resources

Trainings & Demos

Customer-Facing Resources

Release-Focused Resources

  • What's New Page - This customer-friendly page allows educators to check in on latest releases and dig into upcoming release details.
  • FY24 Roadmap Deck - Shop this mega-deck for slides you need to showcase recent and upcoming program enhancements.

Product Overview

  • Calvert Learning Toolkit - At a glance, see all available customer-facing materials including web pages, videos, brochures, email templates, success stories, and blogs.

Release Timeline Archives